Conservation International has earned a 91% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. See the metrics below for more information. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity’s financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies.
Daftar Isi
The Conservation International Foundation (CI) is a non-profit organization that operates internationally in over 30 countries across six continents with a wide range of partners in order to empower societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the well-being of humanity.
While our largest office is in the U.S. (in Arlington, Virginia — near Washington, DC), the majority of Conservation International’s staff work in offices or field sites in locations around the world.
World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund and The Nature Conservancy are rated as the most trusted nonprofit partners for corporations, according to a new report. GreenBiz Group in Oakland, Calif., evaluated 30 nonprofits on the basis of influence, credibility and effectiveness.
The Conservation Fund has the distinction of being one of the nation’s Top-Rated land conservation organizations. Our efficiency is a hallmark of who we are. More than 95% of annual spending goes to conservation programs.
M. Sanjayan is a conservation scientist and chief executive officer of Conservation International, an organization working primarily in the Global South to secure nature for humanity.
Ans-:Environmental Conservation, Animal conservation, Marine Conservation, Human Conservation are the four types of conservation.
Ans-:Environmental Conservation, Animal conservation, Marine Conservation, Human Conservation are the four types of conservation.
Conservation International develops novel ways to finance the long-term protection of nature at scale. We do this by blending public and private financing, creating replicable business models that ensure returns on investments and convening partners to increase demand for investible projects.
For 60 years, WWF has worked to help people and nature thrive. As the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in nearly 100 countries.
As the world’s leading conservation organization, World Wildlife Fund works in nearly 100 countries to tackle the most pressing issues at the intersection of nature, people, and climate.
As the world’s leading conservation organization, World Wildlife Fund works in nearly 100 countries to tackle the most pressing issues at the intersection of nature, people, and climate.
Chairman of the Board. Peter A. Seligmann is the Chairman of the Board and Founder of Conservation International, a global nonprofit organization that he co-founded in 1987.
We believed that the environmental community needed exceptional science. We believed that developing nations should not — and would not — place biodiversity conservation over their own economic well-being. We built our team based on those principles.
Since the first office was founded in Switzerland in 1961, WWF has grown into a global network active in more than 100 countries with almost five million supporters. WWF has been active in China since 1980, when it was invited by the Chinese government as the first international NGO to work on nature conservation.
Rating Information
This charity’s score is 89%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.
Over the years, WWF has become one of the most respected conservation organizations in the world. We have built an extraordinary reputation worldwide by delivering significant conservation outcomes and combining that with world class ethics and integrity in the pursuit of our Mission.